R-CP-1818-B2-CN - Cap for Column Pedestal | Canyon

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Cap for Column Pedestal | Canyon - cap-18-x-18-canyon - 16918-en - 16962 - box-of-2-en R-CP-1818-B2-CN Cap 18" x 18" | CanyonPDFDWGBox of 2
SKU: R-CP-1818-B2-CN Categories: ,

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Product description

Cap 18" x 18" | Canyon, Cap 18" x 18" | Latte, Cap 18" x 18" | Natural Grey (& Mocha), Cap 18" x 18" | Slate (Burnt Slate & Charcoal), Cap 18" x 18" | Southwest (& Latte)

CAD PDF drawings


CAD DWG drawings



Box of 2